Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New year!!!

Me, Fern and mummy stayed up really late last night. But unfortunately we didn't make it to midnight.
~Sad Face~
But we still had fun!
~happy face~
But no one got much sleep because i kept tossing and turning in bed 
~Sad face~
want to know why?
The cake!!
 I woke up at 6.30 for this cake. Now I'm in trouble because I woke Fern up too.
Me- *whispering* Fern, *a little louder* Fern, *Shouting* Ferny
 Fern- *Yawning* RUBY!!
~angry face~

bye bye

love Ru


  1. Gee your Grandmother is a great cook!!

  2. Hi Ruby and Fern,
    Your blog is so cool! I really like hearing what you guys get up to!
    xoxoxo, Emily (craftygirl)

  3. Oh don't worry Ruby, I didn't make it to midnight either. The important thing is that you had fun! That cake looks delicious too. Nice to meet you Ruby. I hope you're enjoying your holidays and having fun with your ultra cool new blog. I have to admit... you're pretty awesome.
    Sonia :)

  4. Ruby,
    I spent a good deal of time today looking at Blythe dolls on the Internet.

    You and Fern, by far, seem to be the prettiest ... so don't do anything silly and go and get scabby knees or bandaids on foreheads etc.

    Your wardrobe is starting to look might fine too!
